I know that this blog is about ten days late but I had to wait to get the pictures back and find the time to post this. My son John turned seven on May 9th and had his first sleepover party. It was fun and I'm confident that John enjoyed it too. He had a bunch of friends over and they ran all through the house laughing and chasing each other, it was quite amusing actually! Thank goodness we don't have any Ming vases or other types of collectibles, the way they were running around my insurance company might have had a very large claim!!! It was fun and a good time was had by all.

Madness and Mayhem!!!!
I got a bag!!!!!
Even Liam got in on the Action!!
A good breakfast after a long night of fun and games!
Awe, you're keeping it going! John did have fun.
Hey, why am I the only one posting? Where is everybody?
It looks like everyone really had a great time. And Liam is getting so big! Have a great time at Indy. Can't wait to see the post about that! Safe travels.
Looks like John had a super 7th birthday...Happy BD John!
Love ya all, Aunt Marianne
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