Tuesday, August 26, 2008

High Voltage!!!!


First I just want to say what a crazy last three weeks!!! I am going to try to do a few blogs this week on everything that has happened in the last few weeks! The craziest adventure was my house getting struck by lightning! I'm not talking about a power surge, I mean it got STRUCK by lightning!!!! A billion volts right into the side of my house!!! The wildest part was we were inside when it happened! Talk about having the crap scared out of you! Mo and I were just minding our own business, chatting about the day, when BAM, the loudest bang I have ever heard happened. Then the house alarm was going off, and I had no way of shutting it off. Mo called 911 and the fire department came out to make sure we had no fire. All was clear.

It blew the light bulb clean out of the socket!!

The next day we were able to assess the damage and really see what lightning can do. It traveled all the way around the fascia of the house and fried our security lights, A/C (that's a whole other story!), phones, TV, and the biggest reason I haven't blogged, our Internet!! We finally got that back the other day!


We are all fine and the house will be OK after some minor repairs! Life goes on and the adventure continues!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Another Great Ride with John!

John. A great companion!

Last weekend, John and I went on another ride with the Southern Cruisers of SC. We had a blast! We first met up with two friends, Ross and Roseanne, that I have met through the shop I work at, then headed to Lake City to meet with the rest of the group. The day started off over cast and was threatening rain, but wound up being a good riding day! It only rained for a little bit and then it was sunny and hot!

Ross and Roseanne

Gearing up for the wet ride.

After a quick stop for some of us to gear up, we were on our way to Red's Icehouse. Once there we had a great time and John really enjoyed the waterfront!

The group at Red's

If I only had a million $ layin' around!

John at the waterfront.

Some kayakers.

John haming it up at Red's!

After eating a good lunch we headed home. We took some really pretty roads and had a great ride. The only mishap was a mirror falling out of one of the bikes and hitting me in the toe! No harm no fowl though! I'm OK. John and I logged about 275 miles that day and we enjoyed every minute of it! I can't wait till the next ride!

The missing mirror!

Me with my Ninja! Photo by John.

The two adventurers, home after a long journey!

p.s. I finally got to use my new Cannon EOS Rebel XTi on this trip!