Sunday, January 4, 2009

Merry New Year!!


Well it has been one crazy Christmas and New Year!! I don't think this one can be topped! We had Mo's family down and had a wonderful visit with them. Then Santa came and what a haul he brought!! Both boys got dirt bikes, and John got a whole lot of Star Wars stuff. Liam got alot of Cars stuff. As for me Santa brought me a new job, and some other cool things, like an iPhone, and a new garage door opener and some new office stuff. He brought Mo paint for the Master bedroom and bath. This holiday season has been one of the wildest and the best. I got to spend time with friends and family and have good things to look forward to. Now on to the pictures!!!
Helllloooo Santa!!!
Big John!
Yes we got a Wii!!!

Do you think he was excited?

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